Possibility to start up with the engine off?

Since my motu gives loud cracks at startup on a regular base with cantabile, is there a way to start with the engine off? Or do i have to set it off each time i close?
Can i add it to the background rack maybe? I tried to add it to a song but cantabile crashed on it.

Go to Tools/Open Settings Folder and copy and paste the pid.txt file there into the same folder. It will make a copy called pid - Copy.txt

After closing Cantabile, make another copy of the copy pasting that copy into the same folder again and name it simply pid.txt and leave the original copy there to copy again in the future. Copy that? :slight_smile:

If Cantabile sees this pid.txt file upon starting up (which normally is deleted while shutting down) it will start in debug mode, allowing you to select to not start the audio engine.

I know of no shorter method that remains permanent. But this will get you going until Brad adds this feature to the settings.json file.


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[quote=“terrybritton, post:2, topic:1135”]
If Cantabile sees this pid.txt file upon starting up (which normally is deleted while shutting down) it will start in debug mode, allowing you to select to not start the audio engine.

I know of no shorter method that remains permanent. But this will get you going until Brad adds this feature to the settings.json file.[/quote]

EDIT: Now I do… make the pid.txt file read-only in the file properties and Cantabile will not erase it. Much simpler!


Hmm, seems a bit harakiri to me :joy: cold turkey?
I’ll give it a try.
I try with that on load also again in the background rack is that doesn’t crash

I added the on load restart engine binding to the background rack, but that crashed cantabile.
Let’s see for your solution.

I copied the copy and made it ready only, so that gives me the debug window.
It’s a solution but not the best option. Still very inventive of you Terry :blush:
I hope to find a better way. Strange that adding it to the background rack crashes cantabile.

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How about switching the driver to NULL before shutdown?
It will open in NULL and then flip to your required driver/

I thought of that, but then thought that Cantabile might need to be restarted when you load the driver (did not test that idea, though…). Either way there is a bit of inconvenience. The pid.txt file being made read-only is the simplest.

Perhaps Brad will add an option to the Troubleshooting section of preferences one day. Who needs a Mac port anyway? :wink:


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Nulling does work :slight_smile:

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Indeed it does!

Now to get to the bottom of why @So_Godly’s setup is glitching at all. :slight_smile:

At least we have two somewhat convenient workarounds now.


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We’re getting there :slight_smile:So how do I null my computer? :smiley:

Hi Sven,

I think they are referring to the null audio setting …

When you restart C3 It will open in NULL and then you can flip to your required driver. I think that is what Ade was referring to.


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Ah ok thx, yes or to wasapi also :slight_smile:
But I most definatly will forget that :wink:

@brad, do you have an idea why cantabile won’t startup with that on load command?

Yes… because triggering a restart on “on load” will trigger a restart which will trigger an “on load” which will trigger a restart which will trigger an “on load” which will trigger a restart which will trigger an “on load” which will trigger a restart which will trigger an “on load”… you get where I’m going with this. :slight_smile:

Not sure what the point of restarting the engine immediately after starting Cantabile is, but I’ve got a task to prevent engine start when Cantabile starts. Will that help?


Yes perfect!
Give it to me baby :blush:
Problem is that it sometimes starts with loud pops from my soundcard error.

Logged here.

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Waw, lots of respect to you Brad, I’ve never seen such a devotion to a product development.
This is unique.

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I’ll try that tomorrow first thing.
It’s 2:46am here :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping: