Port locations in routing view

I feel like this has probably been discussed before, but it’s bugged me for a long time and I haven’t had any success searching for it here. In the Routing view (the one where your plugins are boxes and you connect them with lines), the input and output ports appear on the left and right in vertical bars. By default they are widely spaced out and in no specific order that I’ve been able to figure out. I wonder if there is a way to set a default placement for them that happens every time you open a new song? Between audio and MIDI I have about 20 ports, and with the default locations I have to vertically scroll and then drag ports all the way up to the top part of the screen to be able to see them. I typically only have one screen worth of plugins up at a time, so if I could have them all in one place at once it would be so helpful.

A workaround I discovered is to save a song with the ports where I want them and with one plugin connected up, and then open that one every time. Of course, if I delete that plugin, all the ports explode out to where they want to randomly go, but as long as I have at least one plugin connected at all times they stay where I want them.


I’ve also noticed when making a “new song” the input and output ports are spread off the vertical screen and have to be wrangled into a visually usable position. I have a “blank song” with a typical structure of plugins (I always have Sonalksis FreeG before the main output) to keep the same position of the input and output ports.

My druthers would be to have them bunched at the top in a preset order then spread out when constructing the routing diagram. But I haven’t thought about this minor issue since I started using a song template file.

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Same with me… I had set up a template file of sorts and haven’t thought about it in ages until I had a computer crash and my template file got trashed and I had to start over. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s one thing that really annoy me too. Specialy when I’m working with a 6 inches computer.
In 99%of time I want them to appear as close to each other as possible.

Also, maybe I just missed it, but different colors for midi and audio would be of great benefit for me.


I’ve thought before that it would be really cool if the on screen keyboard could display a different color for different inputs… for me it would be more of a “wow, that’s cool!” thing than an enhancement to productivity, but I would love that.

As years are passing, anything that can help me locate things swiftly on a tiny screen is welcome! :grin:

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