Plugins re-loading every song

I’m trying to migrate from Performer 2 to Performer 3.

When I load each song from the set list all 9 plugins, which are present in each song, re-load causing a several second delay.

Each plugin is in it’s own rack.

What am I doing wrong?

Hi Jeff,

I don’t know if this is the reason but try checking pre-load option


Have you set the setlist to pre-load (Tools–>Pre-Load Setlist)?


@dave_dore, you were a couple of seconds quicker with your reply, it seems :sunglasses:

Always the usual suspects on the prowl :smile:

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Thanks guys.

I’ll try it.

It just seems to load multiple copies of all the plugins then.

I thought it was supposed to re-use racks between songs?

Hi Jeff,

Can you post a screenshot of your routing page? It will take some steps to figure this out so you might want to go to Tools>Open Settings Folder and email the log files and the json files to @brad and he can figure it out more quickly.


Just to be sure: are you using rack files or embedded racks? Embedded racks don’t get re-used, only racks saved as files.

Difficult to diagnose without more info - I’d echo @dave_dore’s suggestion: can you post a screenshot of your song’s routing page?



Hi Jeff,

There’s two possibilities here:

  1. It’s reloading different plugin instance because you’ve used embedded racks or different rack files in different songs.
  2. The same plugin instances are being re-used by their state is being reloaded. This could be because you’ve selected “Entire Bank” on the plugin’s state behaviours, or your using a plugin that uses Pseudo Presets and have selected different presets in different songs.

Post some screen shots and/or send me your files and I can take a closer look.

I think I’m getting my head around this now.

When I converted my ver2 set list I ended up with 1 rack named after each song with all the plugins in it.

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