Per song-state bindings

I have 2 Song State - On Load bindings that turn my TC-Helicon harmony on or off with a CC message. I want one to activate on the first song state, and the other to activate on the others. The enable check mark does not seem to be song-state dependent. How do I do this?

If you select the binding, then go to the “State Behavior - Binding” window, is “Enabled” checked? That’s the thing that determines whether or not the binding’s enabled state is song-state dependent. It should be checked, to allow the binding’s enabled state to be state dependent.


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Adding to what Neil said: you can do what you want with one binding instead of two: check the box “Target” in “State Behavior” - now you can have different CC messages for every state. Simply select your state, change the target action (or only the controller value) and update the state (if it is locked).

Now a different message can be sent for every song state.




Perfect! I checked “Target” and then set the output Values to 127 and 0 as needed. This will be very helpful on many of my setups!

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Now if you want to get really fancy, you can put this binding into a linked rack with two rack states “harmony on” and “harmony off”, so that the rack sends these CCs every time you change the rack state.

Now insert this rack in your songs and simply change the rack state to “harmony on” or “harmony off” for your song states --> now you can see at a glance in your Routing view what state your VoiceLive is in; no need to look at bindings and remember what the binding means…

I have encapsulated my VoiceLive like this, but I use this trick to change VL presets via rack states. Now I see in every song (state) if I have “Lead Vox” or “Backing Up-Down” selected on my VoiceLive.




This is exactly what I have ended up doing. I created a linked rack for the Perform-VK with embedded racks for each effect. The embedded racks have various rack states that control all aspects of the effects with their own rack states, and the parent rack then has states that call them out. It works great!

I can’t figure out how to select effect modes via MIDI. I can set the levels and other parameters just fine, but to change effect modes I have to use the hardware knob. This is petty limiting, as I can then only have 3 combinations of effect modes, and automate preset selection, which then gets complicated from a message timing perspective.

Yeah, that’s something that TCH devices don’t do via CC-messages. For that, you’d have to dig into their sysex implementation, which is something they don’t publish.

I tend to work with one or two presets per song; preset switching is quick enough with my VoiceLive Rack.

