Panic Button / All Sounds Off

Running V4203. This issue is related to

but… not quite. Here is the problem.

Cantabile is now controlling an X32 mixer via 5-pin DIN and SyxEx OSC. Problem is if Panic Button / All Sound Off (triangle with exclamation point) is activated, the X32 output disappears. That’s the initial observation, but it’s a little more complicated that that.

With the X32, MIDI Channel 1, CC1-85 control volume faders of channels, busses, matrixes, and other groups

MIDI Channel 2, CC1-85, controls MUTE of the same items

MIDI Channel 3, CC1-85, controls PAN of same items.

For example, if CC4:127 is sent on CH2 to X32, Mixer Channel 4 is muted. Send a 0, and it’s unmuted. CC2:0 is sent on CH1 to X32, Mixer Channel 2 Fader goes to zero (off).

The problem is the MTRX1/2 outputs faders were going to zero. When those go to zero, all analog signals going from X32 to the amps/speakers goes to zero.

From inside Cantabile, there was nothing midi-wise being sent to the X32 output. X32 MIDI monitor window picks up nothing going from Cantabile to the X32.

However, if the midi cable is unplugged, the behavior stops (Faders do not move). Thus, there is midi flowing into the X32, but what? Cantabile is showing nothing.

A hardware midi splitter was introduced between the Cantabile Laptop and the X32 to allow monitoring of the Midi signal to the X32. When the panic button is pressed, Cantabile sends 48 events: CC64=0, CC120=0, and CC124 =0 to all 16 midi channels. This midi information flow is not showing up in the MIDI Monitor (Concerning), but it is being generating by Cantabile.

When CC64=0 is received on CH2 by the X32, the fader for MTRX1 goes to zero and it’s stereo linked to MTRX2 so that one follows. CC64 on CH2 unmutes (no change), CC64 on CH3 Pans Hard Left (No pans on the MTRX, so no effect). CC120 and CC123 do not change anything on the X32 (above CC range).

So I figured the easiest way to solve this problem is put a MIDI Suppression Filter on the X32 MIDI output to stop all CC64, 120, and 123 on all channels. I did that. Nothing changes as all the Panic CCs are still going to the X32 (all 48 events).

Here are my comments/questions:

  1. How can the MIDI generated from the panic button be displayed in the Midi Monitor window? I’ve tried every setting check box in the window. I’d think anything/everything flowing to a midi port should be viewable for troubleshooting purposes. I’ve checked this on two systems with different MIDI hardware.
  2. How can CC64, 120, and 123 be suppressed on a particular midi output? Under no circumstances should those CC’s ever make to the X32 from the Panic Button.

Researching the forum. This was from 2016:

These are CC64, 120, and 123, so Cantabile is behaving as designed. I’m surprised these midi signals appear to be invisible, but see the point of current behavior: If in panic mode, there is no need to observe or filter. Shotgun the system to stop the notes and sounds. But in my case, the X32 Digital Mixer reacts to some of these CC and I need a way to stop them.

Yes, the panic events are sent at a lower level than what the monitoring picks up and what filtering can affect.

What if the MIDI output ports had an option to “Don’t send panic events” - would that help?


Yes, that would help my particular situation. I’m assuming there would be another check box for “Do Not Sent Panic Commands to this MIDI Output” under the other existing three check boxes.

As always, thank you for responding.

Logged here.

Option to not send panic events to selected MIDI ports on Cantabile | Trello