Omnisphere Multi

I was wondering if loading an omnisphere multi layering sounds respective to a particular midi channel, leaving all patches loaded on the 16 parts and access patches by having my controller merely change midi channels to change patches. Is this reasonable if you only have a 10 song set with less than 10 patch changes? Again, all patches loaded in omnisphere, layers identified by making MIDI channels the same, and patch change accomplished by changing midi channel.

Any thoughts??

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Hey John,

That’s how I do Kontakt and Omnisphere. I don’t have very many tone changes in a performance set so it’s great. I just have to have lots of memory.



I also use Kontakt, so that answers my other question. Thanks Dave!

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Will the output limiter prevent dropouts? Or should I keep an eye on percent usage?

The output limiter is there to help avoid hard clipping if you overload the output to a loud signal.

Dropouts caused by high load percentage are a completely different thing, where the CPU can’t provide enough audio data to keep the output buffer from becoming empty, and I’m afraid a limiter definitely can’t help with that.

I see. I completely understand what you are saying. Thanks. I thought maybe the limiter might be like audio guard in Cubase.

A drop out is usually a data loss problem that makes a no sound or the sound is delayed where there should be a sound at a given time stamp. Clipping is when you drive the audio mix buss to hard and it overloads. The limiter (or soft saturator as described by Torsten and Brad) is for audio buss overload protection. If you overload the buss with no limiter on you will clip and hear clicking. If you have high percentage use you might have dropouts from latency problems.


I suppose I benefited from that limiter this weekend during a show. I just got Omnisphere 2 and had such a good time with it, I enabled too many parts and forgot to route it to my waves L3 low latency Ultramaximizer. The sum of the parts regarding amplitude should have overdriven the output. On break, I noticed the routing errors.