Yes, I can do that @dave_dore. The rack is staying in the state I left it in. What I need it to do is refire the bindings that set the lights etc. as the different category racks have different set ups as far as the lights go. All the behaviours are fine as far as what the racks are actually doing but I’m having problems with the lights being in the wrong states until I push them to get the state to change once the Category state is pushed…
See below for what I mean…
So, here’s the pad lights for the Piano Category rack setting. These are controlled by Rack States of the Pad lights Rack in the ‘Main Board’ Rack. (They’re exclusive, like I said so I just have to set the colour of each light with states of the pad lights racks)
Here’s what they look like with the Rhodes rack selected:
And here’s the channel lights as I want them set up in the piano rack:
The control of these lights is done within each category rack. In this case, the two blue buttons toggle a strings layer and a pad layer on and off and the bindings change the state of the Channel Lights racks from Blue to White, so I can see which layer is on or off. So far, so good.
Then I change to the Rhodes rack and this is what I want to see:
So, I’ve got 3 different Rhodes sounds that are selected by the blue lights. They go white when one is selected, radio button style. The red lights are a chorus and a phaser, which light red when bypassed and green when on.
So, my issue is this. If I start with the piano sound selected (here with the pad layer on) and go to the Rhodes sound, I get this:
which is the state of the lights as they were in the piano sound.
If I push all the buttons that I know are supposed to be lit in the Rhodes sound, they catch up and sync with the states in the rack, and all is now working properly. Like this:
However, when I go back to the piano sound, the lights stay as they were, because nothing in the piano rack has changed state.
So what I need is to be able to tell cantabile to ‘resend’ the state of the rack to the lights even when nothing has changed. Does that make sense?