[Off Topic] Sectors Edge

Hey All,

I don’t usually post personal or off topic stuff here, but I’m making an exception for this.

Some of you will know of my son Mitch - he organised the Cantabile feedback questionnaire last year and also helped in the design of the routing diagram feature that came out of that.

Well Mitch and his older brother Simon (my step-son) have been working on a game. They’ve both basically taught themselves everything they needed as they went with Mitch mainly focused on programming and Simon on 3D modelling and level design.

Anyway, it’s starting to look pretty slick so I thought I’d share it here. Check out their website, or the video below.

Fun fact: the game is built on GuiKit - the UI library I built for Cantabile (though I can’t take any credit for the game, everything of substance was built by Mitch and Simon).


highly impressive!!!

Astonishing work! Mitch & Simon, Bravissimi! I’m sure, saw this result, You will be part of the next gen. of games world and who knows, even more! :wink: :muscle:

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Yeah! Cool stuff! Keep on!

The particle effects remind me of Quake 2 :nostalgic: :wink:

Greetings, Tom

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