Hi, I just realized that the Master Output Volume Meters are not working on my Cantabile Solo build 4052. I hear my output and can control the gain volume but no activity is shown in the meters.
Any idea? Maybe I changed something I’m not aware of?
Hi Clint, thanks for answering, but I don’t think it is related to the missing activity on the meters. Or maybe I haven’t understand the [Responds to Master Gain] option at all.
I’m not sure if this it but the condition you describe can happen if the “Include in Master Indicator” box is not checked on the Audio Port you are using for your main out.
The curious thing is that the stereo out meter in the main routing view works as usual, but not the meter below the menu, which I think it should be the same.
The only time it happens is when the window is small on my rig because the tool bar has to omit some of the elemnets as it gets smaller. So that’s my guess, I would try maximizing the window to see if the meters return.