Nice freebie pipe organ sample sets

I have no idea if anyone is interested in this sort of thing but I suppose you never know till you post 'em. After scouring the web for freebies these are the ones worth taking a look at imo. There are audio samples at each linked page.

Leeds Town Hall Organ

Comments: Only six voicings but a wide range of sounds. Download includes SFZ and Kontakt plus several other formats that all use the same .wav library. Pope and British Royals high church functions type sounds.

Wavesfactory 1850 Pipe Organ

Comments: Only a single voicing, all ranks open…quintessential Dracula organ sound complete with several broken notes from the sampled organ. Kontakt only.

Spitfire’s freebie Labs Pipe Organ

Decent pipe sounds but low volume samples that need a lot of gain and EQ to bring out the highs imo. Breaks out the bass pedals as a separate instrument that is useful with the Dracula organ above imo.


Thanks for the links. They do sound good but I hate that email signup thing. There’s a reason why people want your email address and it’s not always good.

Use a unmonitored email.

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Works nicely…


Very cool @Torsten. I didn’t have any idea something like that existed. Thank you!