New year, new icon

Happy New Year everyone!

In Cantabile 3, the entire UI has been flattened and minimalized when compared to v2. Well everything except the main app icon. I’ve tried a few times to come up with a suitable replacement but never hit on anything I liked.

So I challenged my son Mitchell (a budding graphic designer - see here) to have a crack at it. He came up with a number of good designs, but my fave is this one:

I’m not normally a fan of single letter icons, but the “C” is pretty subtle so I quite like this. I also think it suits Cantabile’s new look.

The original icon was designed and donated by Rick Christy of Designer Monkey. It’s served its purpose well and I still like it but I think it’s time to move on.


Like the new look Brad…Now, about those logo T-shirts and Ball caps…:smile:


Indeed! And stickers!

Looks great, and much more modern. You have a very talented son :smile:

Full marks to Mitchell for this, it looks fab!

Looks Great!
I realy like the new icons.