New to Cantabile: here come the questions :)

Hi Brad and folks, I’m new to Cantabile 3, I worked with Cantabile 2 before.

So I will have some questions coming up.

The first one:
Can you save an existing rack as a file? Seems I created a rack but it’s inside a song and that rack cannot be saved?

All racks are saved as files when they are created. That way you can load them into any song you like.

Anticipate that when naming them! (So you’ll know what they entail as you start “racking up” racks!)

To re-save an edited rack, go into the rack and then from File select “Save Rack.” When inside a rack, CTRL-S also saves it.


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Thx Terry,
I think I made an embedded rack, so that’s not saved to the /rack folder?
Can I safe that with ctrl+s also?

Hi @So_Godly,

Yep, you can convert an embedded rack to an external rack by opening it in Cantabile and using File -> Save As. You can also use File Save Copy As which will save a copy to a file but leave the existing one embedded.

(You can also convert a external rack to an embedded one by right clicking on it in the parent song).


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