Have been hoping for a replacement for the SmartElectronix Taurus for a while as it is not developed any more and 32 bit only (Cantabile with JBridge is fine, but have failed to get it working in the latest Cubase).
Had a bash with it last night against the smartelectonix VST (32 bit only and unsupported) and quickly recreated my Taurus bass patches. Sounds great and a snip at $25
I look forward to trying it out… the interesting thing is that when you a/b the Smartelectronics to a real set of Taurus pedals it actually isn’t as authentic as you would think but in the mix it does seem to sound really good.
I’ve never had the luxury of trying a real Taurus in the flesh, so had no reference other than what I hear on the records I love and I felt the SmartElectronix one sound good as you say when in the mix.
I did see somebody local offering a set for sale on FB the other day, but whilst I was sorely tempted I held off as I don’t think I could have justified whatever was being asked (I didn’t dare ask!) given the occasional use I would have for it. And glad I held out given this new Cherry version coming along is what I need.