New setting up question re racks output to

So I am starting a new setup of Cantabile and am crating racks. is it possible to re-assign in some “batch way” to re-assign all racks outputs to a master rack?

In the interest of speed, at the moment I am just having them set as out to the main speakers and I have no “master racks” setup as yet…might do that later as at the moment I need to get basic instrument sounds and racks setup.


I don’t think you can set the default out on racks but what i do since i use a master rack and reverb is a subtractive approach.

I create a Song with every rack I will use in my song list loaded up I pre-route my various rack audio outs in this song to the master rack outputs. Then I save as a different name for my first song in the set list and just delete the extra racks and routes not used in the song. I reload the template and save as again and create another song the same way or if the song instrument requirements are the same for a series of songs (say piano organ) I just save as the song I have edited to have just those routes and Vsti’s in it. These two ways have speed-ed up my world a lot but require a little set-up on the template song.


thanks Dave - I think I am going to have to read that reply several times hahaha, but I think I get the gist of it :slight_smile:

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Sorry, my messed up english lol!
