New: Revamped MIDI Monitor

Hey All,

I don’t usually work on Cantabile on Sundays, but really wanted to get this out before Christmas.

Check it out… revamped MIDI Monitor. Download here.

Feedback and bug reports welcome!



Hi, Brad

That looks really cool. A huge bonus to me is having the filter selection on the context menu as well, which was my main request in this area, but I am also impressed with the thought gone into the overall redesign of the filter and the new features. I might finally be able to retire the old stalwart MIDIOX now, as I think your monitoring will now b on par with it, but with the benefit of it all being built in. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all of the hard work you have put into Cantabile. It goes from strength to strength. I hope you have a relaxing Christmas with family and friends.

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Great work, mate. Now go relax and have a mince pie!

Thanks for all your work this year - I hope Santa is good to you!


Let me know if anything is missing.

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Hi Brad,

Those are really cool, useful and useable features. Thanks a lot.

Have a great Christmas!

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Hi Brad, very welcome features and a nice Xmas present! Thx for that!

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Thanks @brad ,It looks great ! But can I ask a question to the community ? What do you use Midi Monitor for , generally ? Is this some kind of debug in your songs ? Or do you use it for something else ?

I’m not sure why, but using build 3566 breaks the MIDI output from my audio-to-midi lighting racks.
The pizmidi plugin still generates the correct output, but the routing doesn’t seem to get to the two filters.

Switching back to 3565 and everything works normally. I tried 3566 twice to make sure it wasn’t some kind of strange installer issue.

I’ve attached the rack I’m referring to, to see if anyone else has the same issue. (Requires the pizmidi plugin “midiAudioToCC”).

Thanks, and Merry Christmas everyone!

QLC Audio Timer 4 Beats.cantabileRack (9.2 KB)

I played about with the new build last night, and the new monitor is super cool. I am not sure if you could do it with the old one monitor, maybe I missed it, but I love the fact that you can put monitors at several points in the chain (including the input ports) and you have the option of pre and post filter, and being able to right click over a point is so much more intuitive for setting a monitor :slight_smile:

@HAIKINE_Alexandre to answer your question, then yes, they are very useful for debugging complex setups and seeing what is coming into the system (or not).

Confirmed bug. Fixed for 3567 which I’ll put up soon is up now.


Thanks @Brad. Just installed and can confirm it’s fixed.

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