New/Improved - Binding Delays and Scheduling

Hi Everyone… I’ve just put up Cantabile build 4027 which has some new an improved capabilities around delayed bindings (Cantabile Performer only).

Firstly, delays are now available on all bindings (even MIDI to MIDI bindings) and the settings have been moved to a new “stopwatch” button:

This brings up the delays dialog, which also has a new option to control the scheduling of bindings in relation to each other:

For more about the “Schedule this binding’s delays with” option, see the guide.

Let me know if you notice any issues - in particular with regard to old bindings that had delays configured which should just upgrade and work correctly.


Hi Brad,

Thank you for your work on this new feature, it’s a big step forward & will make some of the things I do with Cantabile far better controlled. I’ll be experimenting with it this week and will let you know if there are any problems. Wonderful work!



Great Brad! Thank you!