New C3 setup with old data - step by step

My harddisk crushed 2 weeks ago and the backup I made is corrupt - variations on murphy’s law - what a mess. I saved older settings folders and I hope I 'll be able to recreate the old C3 structures.
What do I have to do first after installing C3? Should I first copy the older settingsfolder or should I first install all my plugins? Are there any pitfalls?
Best regards

Hi Christoph,

I would install Cantabile, then copy in the old settings folders. Did you try multiple Cantabile configurations?

You could put your old settings in a subfolder under C:\Users*your_user_name*\AppData\Local\Topten Software.

Assuming you have a 64bit install, if you install Cantabile you should see a default subfolder titled “Cantabile 3.0 (x64)”.

You could put your old config in another folder at the same level titled "Cantabile 3.0 (x64) (Main).

Then you make a Windows Shortcut for Cantabile with “C:\Program Files\Topten Software\Cantabile 3.0\Cantabile.exe” /config:“Main” as the target.

Each config folder has it’s own plugins database json file. I’ve found this handy for when I just want to run Voicemeeter with a small bunch of plugins just for improving vocal sound. Or just listen to Windows sound sources but process them through IK ARC.

Did you install the plugin DLL’s to custom locations? If you did not you could just run all the plugin installs and it should match the locations in your backed up settings.

I’m curious about what the problem was with your back up. BTW, I have put a lot of people on BackBlaze, for about $4/month they’ll backup most systems.

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Thank you very much for your helpful advice. I managed to move the Cantabile setup to my new laptop. The problem - as always - was located in the front of the laptop :wink: - I had some trouble because I disregarded the required change from a BIOS/MBR system to UEFI/GPT.

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Glad you got that sorted out, I was thinking that it might be something not too difficult to resolve.