Need to offload some gear! UK

For various reasons involving ill health and impending homelessness I need to sell much of my gear.

Roland Jupiter 80 with Ritter gig bag - gigged once.
Roland A-88 with Roland gig bag - gigged once
Roland Fantom XR with SRX-04, sound tools expansion and 96Mb memory - excellent condition.
Emu Proteus 2000 with Composer, ZR-76/Perfect Piano, Vintage Pro roms - knobs a bit discoloured as is common but works perfectly including rotary encoder.
Korg TR-Rack - excellent condition.
Yamaha Montage 6 with Easy Sounds Phat Analog 1 & 2, Organ Session and Bosendorfer libraries loaded Gator case - Never gigged may keep this?

Various other controllers, cables, stands.

Will need to be collected from Hampshire due to afforementioned ill health.

Thanks for your time.

Crud, I’d be on that A-88 if you weren’t UK.

Jesus Jeff, I’'m really sorry to hear that. That really really sucks. If I were in a better position I’d give you the dough and you could keep your gear.
Good luck and I hope something comes up to get you out of the hole.

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OMG! I seriously just kind of went straight to the list of stuff and didn’t read that opening line. I really hope things work out. So sorry to hear that you’re having these troubles.

Hi Jeff,

So sorry to hear you’re in this unfortunate situation. Of course I’m happy to have your post here and I hope someone here or elsewhere can help you out.


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Thanks. I appreciate your good wishes.

Thanks for your kind words. I really appreciate it.

Thanks Brad. You are a star.

The UK is lovely at this time of year if you fancy a trip over. I could do you a deal that would probably pay for your air fair! :wink:

I don’t think I’d get away with coming there and leaving my wife here :smiley:

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Certainly don’t want to cause any marital strife! I love your latest album by the way.

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