Maybe I just overlooked it but Windows multi client class compliant driver seems to be almost ready to ship! Waiting for this since the advent of class compliant midi… In a meeting with microsoft’s principal software engineer at NAMM 2020 there was some hope to see it in a near future but nothing was happening.
This will work with current applications software version using the same API, however, it appears that port reconnection may not work as wanted in some situations.
Brad, are you aware of the possible problems that may occurs and if Cantabile is immune from that?
" Although this is not a bug, this is important to know about. We’ve completely reworked the port names for devices, based on years of feedback from customers and developers. As a result, some applications which use the port name for reconnection in a project or to load up an appropriate template or script, may fail. Feel free to let us know about this so we can reach out to these companies to make sure they are aware and so we can validate that the naming works as expected for all devices (names are reported in multiple ways by devices).
The other larger issue (listed in the known bugs, but calling this out here) is that if you plug in a MIDI 1.0 device after the service has started, you will need to restart the service to see it (Start > Services, find “Windows MIDI Service”, right-click and choose “Restart”), or reboot, or type midi service restart
from an elevated command prompt after you have the Windows MIDI Services App SDK installed. This is a regression that we need to fix from our last developer preview for the NAMM show, and will be an issue in this release and at least the next one.
Finally, this release does not have the required registry entry for the built-in MIDI Loopback transport. This will be fixed in a future release, but if you would like to enable this now and are comfortable working in the registry, please see issue #502 on GitHub."