MP3 music during breaks

Is there a way to play automated break music during breaks with the media player? If not, does anyone know of a vst plugin that will work. I have a standalone program I can use but don’t want leave C3 to run it. Thanks for any help.

With the new bindings for the media player, you could create specific songs for break music that automatically play through the complete media list of a media player in Cantabile.

I prefer using an external program (I use foobar as an mp3 player) - but triggering it via Cantabile. I use “external script” bindings - foobar works nicely with command-line control.

So my “break music” song consists only of these bindings:

… and of course helpful show notes:

The advantage of this approach is that I can randomize / shuffle my break music set list in foobar - something that Cantabile can’t do. Also, foobar allows me nice automated fade-out times when I stop playing break music by hitting D4…

Best of both worlds for me - I have all the features of a specialized MP3 player, but I don’t need to go outside Cantabile, and I can even control this from my keyboard without having to grab a mouse…




Thanks Torsten! That is brilliant !! Many thanks. :grin:

I apparently read Brad’s Media Player Bindings when he announced it a few months ago, because I gave it a like, but searched for it and for some reason couldn’t find it. A big “Duh” moment for this senior citizen. :older_man:
I downloaded Foobar and it is working…just have to convert a few files.

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Have you tried “/previous”?
I get an error back from foobar and was just curious if only I have the error.



No, I don’t do “previous” -, forward, forward, always forward😂

OK, thanks!
Since the majority of my music is from the 60s, 70s & 80s … I’m always looking previous, previous, previous! :rewind:

Maybe I misunderstood but why arentt you guys using the mediaplayer list?
Media Player Playlist
I mostly use a premade mix, keeps the crowd dancing… :slight_smile:
And you can make some for different occasions, disco, loungy,classical,…

As I wrote above, with an external player, I can shuffle (randomize) my break music set list, so the sequence is different on every gig; also Foobar allows me to do a simple fade-out when stopping playback. All this controlled with some keys from Cantabile - nice!



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Ok gotta try that :slight_smile:


I wanted to thank you for indirectly recommending foobar2000. I sent it out to everyone in our concert band to make it easy for them to manage the rehearsal audio for this year’s Christmas Concert (and our former military types got a grin from the top player’s name).


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Is there a way to choose which playlist to play in foobar2000 from the command line? I’m not seeing it in the documentation.