More issues with Sforzando - not working when transferred to backup rig. Is there a better sfz/sf2 player? SOLVED

Don’t know if anyone can shed some light on this but i’m running into an issue when transferring from my primary Gig computer (Win 10) to my backup rig (Win 7). The problem is my controller won’t produce any sound in sforzando (ver 1.973), although the virtual keyboard in sforzando does. You’d think it’s an issue with midi not getting to it, but it is arriving at the plug’s input.

I have a rack with sforzando (vst3) in it. Works great on Primary computer. Transfer over to the Win 7 machine, yep all my rack states are there. Yep, the virtual keyboard works. Try my controller… no sound. Check midi monitoring to the sofrzando plugin itself and yep, it’s getting midi at the input. Then as a test I open another instance of sforzando in the same rack, load the same sf2 file, and it all works. However, on that new instance, the midi routing shows as “EventInput”, whereas the original shows as “MidiIn”. And yet, on the original instance, there is no option for “EventIn”. So somehow sforzando is not seeing the midi input and i think it’s related to that “EventIn” which i’d never seen before…

Of course on both machines I’m running the same version 1.973, using the vst3. Tried vst2, no luck.

Any ideas appreciated since I have a large library of presets and I really need a stable sfz/sf2 player that will easily transfer between machines. Is there a more stable sfz/sf2 player out there? I’ve had other issues with sforzando in the past and I’m getting weary of them. I tried TXw16 a few years ago but that had it’s own issues too. Thanks!

I reinstalled sforzando, problem seems to be fixed. Not sure why that is, I was already on the same version, and it was working before I re-copied all songs and racks to the backup rig. The best thing is, I didn’t lose any rack states or presets, which happened to me once a couple years ago. So far I have found only one sfz file that, for whatever reason didn’t copy over (Karoryfer Cello, which is a nice expressive Cello). Whew!

Hi @twaw,

I am glad you were able to fix the problem. Just for the record, after updating Sforzando my linked racks using it stopped working. The MIDI was connected to EventInput but no MIDI data were arriving at the VST.

By replacing the plugin with itself, all the rack states became messy (it seems the plugin was recognized as a different plugin, so it was disabled, together with its routes, in all rack states!).

The solution, which I write here for posterity’s sake, was to take a backup of the rack file, opening it in a text editor and replacing all occurrences of “EventInput” with “MIDI In” (double quotes not included).
After that, the rack started working as before, all states were ok, etc.


Sorry it didn’t work for you but great solution Gabriel. I’m still not sure why I didn’t lose my routing. Just curious, were you reinstalling the same version or updating to the latest? I reinstalled, I’ve wondered if that’s why it didn’t break the routes.

Mine was an update, so I guess the plugin ID was changed in the process. I have not debugged the issue further, I admit, after finding a way to solve it. :grin:


Yeah, it probably was the update… when I lost my routes before I’m pretty sure it was an update.

Gabriel, which text editor are you using? I’ve been looking for a new text editor to do search functions and search/replace. Thanks!

I use notepad++


I just downloaded that, thanks!