Misunderstandable option?

Hey people,

one thing that bothered my a long time is the following scenario:
Let’s say you have two song states and a linked rack loaded.

Now you open a plugin that sits inside the linked rack. You change a parameter and do “Save all”. Now you switch to the next song-state (while the rack-state stays the same). What happens here is, that the changed parameter sets back to it’s previous value… so it seems “Save all” don’t do “Save all”. I need to do “Save Rack” instead to overtake the changes. Is that meant to be?

In the rack options there is a checkmark for “Let the parent song control this rack’s selected state and gain”. If I uncheck it (checked is default) it also works as expected. But what has this checkbox to do with the parameters of a plugin inside a linked rack? I thought a rack is a closed environment so to say. So I wonder why changing the song state changes parameters of a plugin inside a rack…


Plugin parameters in a linked rack or any other rack type can be controlled by a parent song. I make big use of this. I have a linked rack full of keyboard plugins and vary what is heard song by song by allowing the parent song to control plugins and plugin parameters.

If you select a plugin in your rack then click on states, you will see the State Behaviour window for the plugin. The left hand column of tick boxes mean that you want the parameter controlled by the song. There is a good video by Brad on the subject of racks and states.

I hope I have understood your issu correctly.

Unfortunately not. I use that feature (left checkbox in the state behavior panel) also from time to time.

So, I don’t talk about state behavior parameters.

The issue is independent from what is selected in the state behavior panel.

There’s a ton of different things that can affect this, including state behaviours, locked/unlocked states etc…

I just did a few quick tests here and couldn’t reproduce this. Can you send me a cut down song and rack file that demonstrates the problem and I’ll check it out.


Alright. I’ll try to prepare something and send it to you.