Minor timing bug on network or JS API? Or just me

Hi @brad,

Using the JavaScript network API for a heavily customised web UI.

I think there’s a subtle timing bug, but could just be undefined behaviour. A timing issue as sometimes I see it, and sometimes not, and the folder from which I serve my content is apparently factor in reproducibility. Or I’ve made a big mistake somewhere.

Anyway, when the song is changed, it doesn’t always update C.songStates immediately. If I explicitly bind onto the song stage change event, I can pick up the new states consistently:

In Vue.component(‘status-panel’), added the following to created function:

C.songStates.on(‘changed’, this.h5 = (function() {
this.stateName = C.song.currentState;
this.states = C.songStates.items;

Thanks, John

Hi @johncarter

I’d need to look into this, but I’m away for a couple more days. I’ll look into it when I get back, but the network API is inherently async - but if you’re getting a song changed event, then the state list should also be updated by this point. If not it’s probably an issue on my side.

I can’t see how the folder you’re serving content from would affect this.


Hi @johncarter

I’m back from travels now and had a closer look at this.

There definitely could be timing issues here, because the song changed event only covers the basic details of the song - it’s name, program number and selected state - basically what’s shown in the set list panel.

As you’ve discovered, to get a reliable notification of the current song’s state list you should use the songStates endpoint.


Thanks @brad, no problem, and if you’ve not done so already, can I suggest you update the example JavaScript code, and maybe update the API docs, in case others come across the same thing. John

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