MIDI Output signal from Cantabile to audio interface

Sorry to disturbing you again, but I don´t manage to set up Cantabile so it sends back the MIDI signals to my Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 2nd gen.
In short, I don´t manage to set up Cantabile so the MIDI Output Indicator lights up :see_no_evil:

On the simpler model Scarlett 2i4 1st gen there was no need to configure Cantabile to do this, but the Focusrite support answered my that it´s necesssary on the 6i6 2nd generation.

Had you already included both input AND output ports in Tools/Options/MIDI Ports?

If so, you would then create a route from the input back to the MIDI output you desire.

For instance, I have a MIO interface that has my hardware keyboard coming into Cantabile via MIDI Input port 1. I then make a route in the inputs section that sends it right back out again to the keyboard via the MIO MIDI out port I’d included so I can play its sounds.


Cantabile MIDI Ports

Kawai K5000s to itself:

Cantabile K5000s to itself


Dear Terry,
I think I have done right the procedure you explain, but as you can see in the pictures, in the first case I have the option MIDI out when I click on Add Route…but not in the second case when I am using Addictive Keys as sound…why?

Hey Karl,
Just chimming in. When there is no available MIDI out choice it is because the vst doesn’t provide it. If it’s not in the drop down it’s because XLN Addictive Keys doesn’t have that feature. However you can use the ‘MIDI Passthrough’ if you want to have MIDI data go through the plugin unchanged.



Like Dave said!

Which is a shame with Addictive Keys, because it has so many awesome patterns handily available.



(BTW - just remembered that you CAN drag a MIDI file from the dialog that appears when you hit the leftish down arrow in Addictive Keys into a DAW track or into a Windows open folder to obtain the MIDI tracks - you do have to rename it when you drag it into a folder everytime, but it does work and can be used with the Cantabile media player.)


So this setting will work probably work Dave (I have to wait some days before I can test it)?


Anyway I linked this discussion to Addictive Keys and asked them to comment if they wanted.

There is no global setting possibility since I always need this function?
I need this function so the TC-Helicon Voiceplay can choose the right second voice for a vocalist.


Check out the section on the Background Rack and watch this video for more insight into having it be global.


Many thanks Terry, I will watch the video.
Probably I have to upgrade to Performer to use racks. I am using Solo now.

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