Midi keyboard sending midi but no sound

Hi Everyone !

Same old bug but with a twist !

So I opened cantabile which I didn’t opened for a while now, and despite working normaly the last time, I have no sound when using my midi keyboard.

Every midi input are checked, audio is working too, metronome sound is working, I can use my vst using the onscreen keyboard and the sound is working.

midi greenlight working when I push my keys but no sound is coming out of my vst.

I tried it on both my pc and laptop and I still have the same issue.

I looked at my consol logger and this appeared in red in both computers :

00004695 10 ! [27400:0]: Error scanning folder: C:\ProgramData
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\ProgramData\Application Data’ is denied.
at System.IO.Enumeration.FileSystemEnumerator1.CreateRelativeDirectoryHandle(ReadOnlySpan1 relativePath, String fullPath)
at System.IO.Enumeration.FileSystemEnumerator1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List1…ctor(IEnumerable1 collection) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles(String searchPattern, EnumerationOptions enumerationOptions) at #=zmMRHNg_luZyfvulU1C9ZrVIunmnj.#=znJfGhj0=(String #=zminP_oA=, String #=zdlB7pZg=, Boolean #=zAA8H_UA=, Func2 #=zSBgFXs4=)

Is this the source of my problem ? and how can I solve it ?

anyone ?

I’m stuck with this issue and cannot use cantabile anymore …

When you say the green light is working are you referring to the ones on the plugin or rack slot on the right side? If they are flashing on the plugin slot then open a MIDI monitor on the plugin MIDI input and see if MIDI note messages are reaching the plugin.

It could explain but not sure. It is saying that on a scan by Cantabile for files it requires that there is no permission to access the folder where some of the VST instrument data is stored. We need to know what plugins you running and if you are using racks to be more able to help out.


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Hi Dave

It look like only a few of my vst don’t work this way, but it’s the main that I’m using …

  • Kontakt
  • omnisphere/keyscape/trilian
  • VB3-II

I tried them in a rack or without, tried them on a new song but still it only work with the on screen keyboard and not my midi keyboard. and this issue is only with cantabile

I tried to reinstall Kontakt but it’s still the same

Other vst seems to work just fine with my midi keyboard

concerning the greenlight, here is a screenshot

Thank you for your time

Hi @arsy,

have you checked inside the rack, if the MIDI messages propagates correctly up to the plugin input? Make sure also that the plugin is in OMNI mode and, if this is not the case, that the incoming MIDI messages are on the same MIDI channel that the plugin is supposed to respond to (use the MIDI monitor for the check).

Is the MIDI channel used by your Keylab mkII the same used by the onscreen keyboard?

Just my 2 cents…


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I agree with Gabriel, from your picture it appears that the breakdown in the audio chain is inside the rack named “piano”. Open the rack and check further or post us a pic of it.

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hello !

So I checked what channel was using my keyboard, which was ch9 compare to the onscreen keyboard ch1.

So i change my keyboard parameter to use ch1 instead of the one it was using before and everything seems to work like before !

Thank you for your advice !