Metronome, click track and backing audio track

Is it possible to use the metronome as a click source for an audio backing track? My backing audio file was recorded at 107bpm. I’d like to be able to sync things up so that the metronome and backing track are triggered at exactly the same time.

Or is this something I need to do within my DAW (Reaper)?

Hi Lee,

No, it has to be midi to sync to metronome, the following is from the media player guide :

The difference between realtime and musical is the playback speed/tempo of the synced media file.

Realtime - the synced media file plays at it's native speed and depends on the slave and master both having the same tempo in order to stay in sync. eg: A metronome set to a particular tempo and an audio file recorded at the same tempo.

Musical - here the target MIDI player ignores the tempo information in the MIDI file and instead tracks the master transport. eg: when a midi file is synced to the metronome, changing the tempo of the metronome will cause the midi file to play faster/slower.

The Musical sync mode only works with MIDI files. If selected for an audio file, musical syncing will be used when setting the start position for playback, but during play the audio file always plays at its native speed.

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thanks Dave. I had already handled the click track within my DAW, but wondered if there was a way to do this with audio files in Cantabile.