So I’ve exported several 130bpm wave files to use as backing tracks (including a click track), as well as a MIDI file to play a VST instrument. All of these files are played by Cantabile media players that start simultaneously. The MIDI file is set to 130bpm, as well as the song itself, but the metronome and the wave file click track don’t line up. It’s like the wave files are ahead of the song, metronome, and the MIDI file. Is there perhaps a latency setting or something that would cause this discrepancy?
Hi David,
The audio files can not be synced to the metronome tempo but the midi files can as far as i know. You could try setting your midi file to master sync and all your audio files to slave sync to that midi file. That way all the separate files start together via the syncing. you might have to learn syncing, it’s explained here under Synchronization of Media Players with Master Transport . Hope this helps
Thanks Dave. Yes, I tried using the MIDI file as the master transport and the audio files as the slaves, but it was the same result. I guess I figured that if the audio files were the same tempo as the Cantabile song and beat 1 started immediately, they would certainly be in sync. It doesn’t seem like the files and the metronome are going different speeds, only that they are not starting at the same time. I’ll try a few other things and report back.
Hi @valor77
Do you have a couple of sample files that demo the problem? If you can email them to me I’ll check it out.
It seems that if I create new wav files that are approximately 100ms delayed versus the corresponding MIDI file, it lines up much better and is perfectly usable. @brad, do you need the click track file that doesn’t seem to line up with the metronome, or something else?
I’m pretty sure my DAW was somehow producing audio files that were slightly ahead for some reason, because when I imported the files back into the same DAW, they were ahead of the DAW click track. No problem here with Cantabile, sorry!