MediaPlayer without any grapical wave screen?


Is it rigth, mediaplayer dont show any grapical for wav or mp3 like in Cantabile 2. How can I see wenn a media file is nearly ending. This is very helpfuly in Cantabile 2 wenn I play piano to a mediafile in live pervormace.

Thanks for your information’s
Best Regard

Hi Bladi,

As far as i know there is only the one viewer for wave files located at bottom of screen. No separate indicators for each file loaded. Maybe later?

Thanks for your Input dave_dore.
So I hope indicator for this will be back in later updates sone, otherwise I cant work with C3 on my live pervormance realy.

Yes there is - View Menu -> Timeline. You can only view one file at a time (atm anyway) and it shows the one for the currently selected player.

Note in build 3113 this was partially broken (didn’t actually draw the waveform) but fixed in 3114 now.

cool… thanks brad so look forward to 3114.

Ok. Just to be clear, 3114 is up already. Just download from the same page.

Ok now I have found it.