Media Player - control gain from velocity of Note event

I’m using a binding to have a Note event start the media player (playing a .wav file). I would like to be able to set the ‘Gain’ of the media player based on the velocity of that midi note event. That is, if I hit the key harder, I want the volume of the .wav to be louder.
Does anyone have any ideas whether this can be accomplished?
Thank you - David

Couldn’t you just use a sample player plugin? I would use battery, but there will be others, some possibly free.

I do not see anyway to use note velocity in any binding. Hopefully, someone else does.

If you’re willing to limit it to a small number of discrete velocities instead of a continuum, you could use Velocity Gate filters. For each velocity range, you create a Velocity Gate filter that remaps notes with velocities in that range to a distinct MIDI channel:

The route to which these filters are added can have any target. (I used the onscreen keyboard.)

Then create bindings that listen for notes at the route target and change the Media Player Gain based on the channel:

The first and final bindings stop and restart media playback once the gain is set.

But I agree with @johncarter that using a sampler plugin is better for this than bindings. That way you get polyphony, continuous velocities, etc. I use Omnisphere.


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Hi D. Brendon,
with PizMidi MidiNotesToCC you can convert velocity to any CC channel you want. The output of the mediaplayer you can bind to the MidiNotesToCC midi output and you can change the volume of the player with any note. Is that what you are looking for?

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Thanks! I hadn’t looked at the PizMidi tools before.

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