MAUDIO Oxygen 88 bindings

Hi Everyone, first time user here.

I have a MAUDIO Oxygen 88 that I like to control the overall rack outputs with the individual assignable sliders. I have created 5 racks and assigned a slider to each. That works great, but the sliders are also controlling other aspects of VST`s like EFXs and other parameters.

How can I assign these controllers without controlling other effects and other parameters please.

TIA :slight_smile:

Hi Mark and Welcome to the Forum! :slight_smile:

There are a few ways to go about this. The first way I describe you go to the input routes of your songs that target your racks and open the route configuration box and check the “Notes Only (suppress all other events)”

but when you do you need to use bindings (as I assume you did to set up your rack gain sliders) to map the controllers you need from the keyboard for each rack (like sustain pedal, expression, etc…).

The next way you can try uses MIDI route filters to do it using the suppress events filter on each input route. This allows you to block all but the CC messages you want to pass to the rack(s). In this example I blocked all CCs except the expression, damper and sostenuto. The bindings you made to control the gain on the racks are unaffected by these filters.


Those are some options for you, I hope they help.




Hi Oxygen

If I understand the question, have you looked at supressing your binding so that it does not cascade on to the VST. See Routing Modes, under Bindings in the Cantabile 3 Guide.

Good luck, John

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Hi Dave,
thanks for the info, its working great. Is there a global setting to cover all song parts or would I have to do this each time.

Regards :slight_smile:

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Hi Mark,

Well, if you chose method 2 you can place the filter at the port input level in the Options>MIDI Ports. I show an example using the main keyboard port with the filters. Done this way the filter is global.



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Thanks Dave,

The 2nd option looks like just what I need. Ive hit controllers when playing live before and it has sent some VST`s into mid of their own…lol


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Great, I’m glad it will work, let us know if you have any questions … :slightly_smiling_face: Just a side note, I play an Oxygen 88 as one of my controllers.

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Thanks Dave,
its a great controller for live use. I just need to fine tune Cantabile :slight_smile:

Hi Dave, another question and this may be a no go. Ive assigned the 8 assignable siders to the master volumes of racks and media players.

If I was to open up a rack. Is it possible for cantabile to forget the top layer rack volumes and be able to assign them to the open rack VST`s and not alter to top layer racks.


Hi Mark,

Off the top of my head I’d say no it won’t but give me a few days to think about it. Maybe someone else has an idea, we’ll see. For now I’d say no it won’t work because it also binds to the rack slider at the same time.


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@Oxygen Mark,

Can you elaborate on what you want to do here? Here are some things that I’ve used – in Cantabile and elsewhere – to work around dual purpose controllers:

  1. If you can live with a fixed change, then of course bindings can be set to trigger upon loading a song. I often set CCs at the beginning of songs.

  2. If you have unused MIDI channels, create a binding in one song/rack/etc. to map a controller to an unused channel; and if necessary, map it back inside the rack. I’ve used this to bypass a module in a chain. Here’s an example: let’s say that you have three VSTIs that all respond to CC7 (volume), but you only want to change the first and last one with a slider –

CC7 on CH1 -> VST1
Map CC7 to CH2 @ MIDI Out
Pass data thru to VST1

CC7 on CH2 -> VST2 (no response)
Map CC7 to CH1 @ MIDI Out

CC7 on CH1 -> VST3

All three VSTIs will respond to notes, Mod, PB, etc. on CH1, but only #1 and #3 will receive the volume slider.

  1. Create multiple separate CCs for functions – ex: one for each rack – and use bindings to convert the CCs back to the ‘real’ value. I use this for guitar synths like RealLPC all the time. They respond to CC7, but in most cases I don’t want the volume to change, as it affects the tone of the AmpliTube patch it drives. But once in a while, I do. So, I use CC37 as a “guitar volume control,” and map it to CC7 for one particular song. In a different song, I might set up AmpliTube to use CC37 for its master volume, or channel volume. Same CC#, different end results.
