Loading my cantabile songs on a newly setup PC - directory path questions

I setup a new PC and am in the process of getting all my software and plugins setup and configured. I have several cantabile performances that took some time to setup on my previous PC that I loaded in on the new PC.

I have several media player inserts on the songs that reference Midi files where it’s showing ‘Failed’ since those paths aren’t the same (different username in the path for this new install). Is there any shortcut to reassigning these, other than manually editing the media player path or removing the midi file and adding the new path? I thought about creating another user on the PC with the same name and adding the files in the existing old path, but they were in a desktop folder and would be a little cumbersome.

The paths to media files are stored in both absolute and relative path format. So long as the song and media file are in the same relative locations to each other Cantabile should find them.

For more about this and other related topics, see this blog post.

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