Live Mode - Display Main Bus Volume

All went well yesterday with my first use of C3 in a live 3 hour gig. One feature that would be nice would be to graphically see the Main Bus Volume as this is Globally Binded to an FC7 volume pedal. Maybe this is already possible but I am just missing something?

Anyway yesterday was a success. No crashes, everything was glitch free!


HI John,

The master output level gain slider is shown on the main toolbar. Is that not cutting it, or are you talking about something else?

btw: I’ve got some touch screen fixes coming your way soon.


There should be a numbers of decibels under main Volume (maybe vertical slider for main volume) always so you can know where is it …

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I agree, I often need to do some quite careful volume control/tweaking, with reference test tones etc. to get relative levels calibrated, and having no numbers or markings means I just can’t use those meters - need to use a VU meter plugin, which is a shame.

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Noted. I’m still working on a new design for this area. Nothing set yet, but this feedback is very useful.

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There should be an option to set for example from -5 db to +5 db and than there is a main volume slider that have much biger scale and when you move from 0db to +2db that you can clearly see that…Because if something is not loud enough on stage 2 db is enough sometimes…So user should have a way to shorten the slider from -30db to +14db so that you have for example just 10 small bars or should I call it lines with numbers…maybe some coloration here and there…
I have found that I can limit and set up how my expression pedal works and I have limited it to work from -5db to +5 db so there should be an option to connect these settings with main volume slilder.
For me 0 is Default in Cantabile and that is Volume where everything is setup to be loud enough with my arranger keyboard and everything…So when I want to add some loudnes I go to +1 or +2 …maybe +3 db…Or to lower it for couple of dbs…

Sometimes you just need to se 0 db and where is it and couple of dbs up and down and to have maybe max 10 lines with 10 numbers…


Like, make the sliders on the main page virtual, range-editable bindings to themselves, in a sense? That is a cool idea!
