Leslie Speed with Aftertouch-to CC1 as a switch?[SOLVED]

Hello to all. On my B-3X, I use aftertouch-to-CC1 for the Leslie instead of a footswitch (via Midifilter) because I play standing up. Thanks to Thorsten’s post from March2016, I managed to do this and it works quite well. However, if I play faster passages and there is not enough time to trigger aftertouch at all, the Leslie goes back into “slow” mode. Also, even when playing slower, the constant pressure on the keys is quite exhausting and uncomfortable.
Is there any way to continue to work with AT-to-CC1 but use it as a kind of switch, i.e. AT1-leslie fast, AT2-leslie slow? Thank you very much for an answer. Walle

After reading many postings, I found a solution. Toggle. Thanks for this forum.