I reached out to Dave after I couldn’t get my Nano Kontrol working the way I wanted it to. He not only provided insight, he gave me a couple of leads on making it easier for me to extend it and figure it out myself in the future.
And kudos to Brad and the other experts here as well.
Brad for putting together such an awesome tool, listening to our requests, and attracting great people to the forum that are willing to help.
The other experts that have helped me solve issues (directly and indirectly)
Thanks again to all -
PS- I’m about 90% there on my Excel keyboard mapping macro. I should be done by EOM and will share it. I use it at the bottom of my charts as a reference to split points and patch names. Very similar to the one at the bottom of Cantabile, but with some additional tricks and I can capture those images and drop them into my charts or the Show Notes as reminders…