Korg Legacy Collection sale

50% off sale



I finally rounded off my Korg Legacy collection, adding the MS-20 and Polysix. Having done so, Korg gave me the “Legacy Cell” item, but that thing won’t load into ANY of my hosts/DAWs. Must be ancient! :wink:

Now I have the full collection, though - at last! Truly fantastic collection even at full price!


Yes, an excellent opportunity to complete the collection. I still need to reauthorize all of my Korg Legacy apps after the Windows 10 anniversary update.

Folks who buy this, don’t miss all the free banks available on the Download page - scroll down to see them all!

Banks for each of the synths - some have several available!!!


last day for the 1/2 price sale. I have M1, Wavestation, and Monopoly. Terry if you were going to buy just one more app, would it be Poly6, or MS20, and why?

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That is a hard one!!! Cannot really say, since I got the two at the same time! :wink:

That said, the PolySix might be the more useful of the two… but… the KLC version of the MS20 is also now polyphonic!

Ugh - I really cannot answer that. That is exactly why I got them both. I couldn’t decide!


problem solved! purchased both! :relaxed:

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Great minds think alike! :smiley:


Terry, how were you notified about the availability of the “Legacy Cell” item? I’ve now purchased all the legacy plug-ins.

There is no notification other than that the Legacy Cell item becomes available for download once you have MS20, PolySix and Mono/Poly in your collection.

I could not get it to work in Cantabile 3 or any of my other hosts/DAWs - not in Samplitude or Digital Performer anyway. I haven’t tried in Cakewalk yet.


I have had no trouble with Legacy Cell in Cantabile 3. It’s a combo of Poly Six and MS-20 routed into effects. Has some pretty cool presets.

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Hmmmm… I wonder if I simply got a bad download from them that day? I’ll try downloading a fresh copy. I love the idea behind it!


I found out what I was doing wrong that had caused Legacy Cell not to load in any of my hosts/DAWs.
It is detailed in the second post here:

Basically, I had gone and separated the Korg Legacy .dll’s into two different folders, which was a no-no and broke Legacy Cell’s ability to resolve itself, resulting in a “Fail”. Now with everything in the same folder, it works fine!

Sorry to sound a false alarm for something that was my own doing, but now we know, at least, what parameters must be satisfied for Legacy Cell to work! :blush:
