Kontakt Snapshots bindings/triggers?

Using Vintage Organs, I need to change presets, or more quickly, SNAPSHOTS of drawbar settings. I need to do this without using the keyswitch feature of the 12 presets in the Instrument. Hopefully, one button press on my AX-1 can change it without loading multiple instances of the instrument.

In Kontakt, the snapshot feature is pretty cool, but how do I create a binding or trigger? Do we know if there is a “next snapshot” feature that can be added?


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Hi Gregg,

If you’re trying to control a Kontakt feature from outside Kontakt you’ll probably need to look for a way to create a mapping between a CC and that feature internally to Kontakt and then send the appropriate CC either from or via Cantabile.

I’m not very familiar with Kontakt snapshots - perhaps someone else is?


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I agree with Gregg that snapshot feauture is very usable for Kontakt Instuments like Orange Tree-Evolution Strawberry Guitar and many more others. Brad if you can find a way to create a binding or trigger will be fine and RAM saving for work with Kontakt.

Its up to Kontakt script to handle the way of changing presets IMHO

There is a function called “change_preset” in Vintage Organs kontakt script
and “if ($mapping_preset” section which handles presets (snapshots)

ps i’am wrong here - code do handle only presets not a snapshots.

Alexander, can we mapp CC to Switch(Change) snapshot in Kontakt script? How?

@Nikola and @Gregg_K

Insert and apply this code (using Kontakt script editor) after “on controller” keyword:

97 … 105 – my controller numbers (CC), you should insert yours here.
Pressing control (97 to 105 in my case) will change a preset.
Also you could add your private variable for cycling through presets.

kind regards Alexander

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Thanks Alexander I will try this.

I have tryed and it works, I can switch this 12 Presets.

If I want to swtch Snapshots, can I add in script to switch Snapshots also?
How can we do this?

@Nikola as far as I google it, it is not possible via Kontakt scripting…
Snapshots save all instrument parameters and so the script states

Ok I must try to find another way f.e. with Bome’s Midi Translator. I can in BMT incomming CC send to Outgoing Left Mouse click Down-Up and on Kontakt GUI add on Snapshot switch but this is allso not practical solution.