KontakT 5-Cantabile

My apologies to members first, I’m new and didn’t know where to post this question, I believe I might have irritated some of you by posting my question in the wrong place, my apologies for that.
I own a studio and I besides my main sequencer DAW I also have two farm computers
1 computer house all of my soft synths where I have a host of VST plugs, 70 DVZ,The Grand, Halion5, UVI , Arturia, Ravenscroft 275, Omnisphere, Keyscape, Aalto, Kaivo and others just to name a few, these are all trigger either with a Kawai VPC-1 or a Nektar panorama P6 , the whole rig is a stand alone system intended to be played live through a Motu Ao24 interface.
the second machine is a drum sampler player composed of a 56 imput Megadrum midi trigger box and a Motu Ao24 interface.
in this machine I have Kontakt5 full version loaded with Toontrack superior drummer3 and Alive Underground drums.
Superior drummer is not a problem since it comes with individual outputs for each instrument howeverand it has it’s own sample player however Alive requires Kontakt5 to achieve this but for some reason it only provides you with a stereo output , it has a GUI with a mixer and processing tuning etc but you cannot buss instruments to separate outputs
A friend of mine suggested Cantabile and so here I am
What I’m trying to achieve is simple, come out of my Motu interface as analog signal patch them into my wall panel to the patch bay and then go into any of my mic pres eq’s and dynamics before going in to my daw as analog/audio signal, the as if you were to mic the drum kit
I’m hoping Cantabile can host as many instances of Kontakt/Alive as the library has drum pieces so that I can route the outputs to individual channels, the mixer in he Alive GUI has mute functions so I could mute the channels that I’ve already assign before as I go along with the set up
I don’t know if my explanation makes any sense to you all
Please let me know if my explanation is clear enough
thank you cheers and sorry again for wrong post before Gus

Sorry I forgot to say that I’m using a converted acoustic kit with Roland RT series triggers and mesh heads, the idea is to give the drummers as close a feel I can provide them with

Hey Gus,

Actually, there is no need to host multiple instances of Kontakt 5 - Kontakt itself allows you a staggering number of 54 output channels as a plugin. The easiest solution to your problem is to load multiple instances of Alive in Kontakt 5, route all of them from the same Midi channel (A1) and route them to different outputs. You’ll have to set up the output configuration for this (need to set up the necessary number of channels), then you can assign each of your Alive instances a different stereo output pair. Now mute all but one instrument in each instance, and you’re all set!

I don’t have the Alive Drums, but here’s how this looks in principle:

Hope this helps!



By the way: the advantage of this solution is that Kontakt will only load the samples once for all instances of the same instrument, so the memory footprint of this solution should be far smaller than that of 10 or 12 parallel instances of Kontakt, each with the full sample set loaded!



Hey Torsten thanks or that , so I wont need Cantabile to achieve my goal than , excellent !!! I’ll give that a try then , thank you so much and sorry for the post again , hope you’re well cheers Gus

No probs - but you should give Cantabile a try anyway if you want to play VST instruments live (as you seem to do with your soft synth computer). Cantabile is hands-down the most powerful, flexible and stable live VST host - give it a whirl when you find the time!



Ok I wasn’t dismissing the idea where can I educate my self on Cantabile, there some videos about it but most of them lack the procedural part , could you perhaps teach me how to take advantage of this great tool , are there live you tube channels that host live class rooms if not maybe it’s something to think about , there’s a lot of us dummies out there that need schooling, thanks man cheers

I’d recommend @brad’s video series - these go from the basics to the more complicated stuff, taking it step by step. Lookee here: https://www.cantabilesoftware.com/videos

I’m working on some videos myself, but these will be more on explaining my setup and how I use Cantabile’s features to get some advanced stuff going, so these will definitely NOT be entry-level material :wink:

Beyond video, the User Guides are also very helpful: https://www.cantabilesoftware.com/guides/

But essentially: start simple!

  • learn about ports and routes first, then you’ll already be able to build some pretty sophisticated setups.
  • Next, understand songs, set lists and states,
  • and finally understand how to make your setups modular using racks and rack states and create pre-loaded set lists to speed up loading time
  • If after this you’re still not fully confused :wink: start learning about bindings.

That’s it - now you’re officially a Cantabile guru :bearded_person:



:scream::scream::scream: ok I’ll give them a look thanks for your patience , I’m an engineer and don’t play jack but I got to at least know how everything works, I’m a quick study anyway, cheers brother and thanks again

Looking forward to your videos Torsten. I always learn a lot from you.

Best Regards


I can see them now, pixelated face and altered voice…

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