"Key Not Found in Dictionary"

Hi all. After using version 2.0 for a long time, I just upgraded to version 3. I get the above message when I try to open/convert one of my version 2.0 files in version 3. I have paid for the upgrade. I searched the forum for the word “dictionary” and didn’t find it. Any ideas? Thanks!

Mark Smart

Sounds like one for @brad

Hi @marksmartus,

Thanks for reporting this. Can you send me a copy of the file that you’re having troubles with and I’ll take a look.


OK, here is a file. But all my files like this (created in v2.0) give the same error message when I try to convert them. I wonder if I have an activation problem.AllRightNow.zip (61.9 KB)

Hi @marksmartus,

Thanks for that. My bad. This is fixed for the next build.


New build 3552 up now.

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That worked! Thanks for the quick fix!

Mark Smart