Keeping the Background Rack open

Does anyone know of a way to either a) keep the Background Rack view from closing when changing songs; or b) reopening the view automatically each time a new song starts?

I use the BR for things like the bass and drums, which are needed for just about every song. This means that the song has less to do when it starts. If I hit View → Background Rack, I can put it at the bottom of the screen as a quick check to see that the plugins in the BR are as I expected. Works like a charm … but the window closes with each new song. :frowning_face:

I see that there are View items that can trigger with Song → On Load, but the BR isn’t one of them.

TIA for your thoughts,

There is this but it doesn’t work. I let @brad know about it. running 4221 here.

Thanks. Yes, that would do nicely for my needs!

Thanks for reporting - I’ll get it fixed.

Fixed for next build.

Great! :smiley:

@brad On a related note: there are certain toolbars, windows, etc. that I tend to leave open all the time. (I’m sure my list is different from the next player’s.) Sometimes things like opening a new song or saving will close these items, and I have to open them again. I would love to be able to lock any specific window/toolbar/etc. open and in place, if I chose to do so. Just a suggestion for a future upgrade when you’re bored! :smirk:

Hi @drawbars,

Can you clarify exactly which windows you’re referring too - perhaps I can address it.


It’s generally the window at the bottom, which is – for me – either the Background Rack, or another rack that I have open to edit or view the connections. Now, one could argue that opening a new song should close any intermediate racks, but the same thing usually happens when I save an open song without exiting. (I make minor volume level changes a lot, then save the results.) It doesn’t close the window all the time, though, and I haven’t figured out the criteria yet.