I have a song set up with two instrument racks and and an instrument plug in. When I use the global transpose to drop the pitch 1 semitone, the instrument plugin drops a semitone, but the each of the two racks drops 2 semitones. I’ve looked in both racks and can’t find anything which would cause this to happen. What the heck? Any ideas?
maybe your routing is explicit transposed and you ignored it because you thought
it shows the master transpose???
Check the routes inside your racks (from rack MIDI In to your instruments in the rack). In Route Settings, they need to be set to “ignore global transpose”, otherwise you’ll always get double transposition, once from the route to your rack in the song, and another time inside the rack. Global transpose transposes EVERY route that doesn’t have “ignore global transpose” set.
Been there, had the issue, then went through all my racks and checked all routes. Now global transpose works for me.
These days, “ignore global transpose” should be set automatically for routes inside racks when you create them.
Thanks Torsten, that was the problem.