Is this a bug, or me?

I’ve discovered something odd…

Maybe it’s me (probably!) doing something wrong…

If I have a MIDI route set up from one keyboard of a 2 keyboard set, and I switch patches, if that MIDI route then switches input source to the other keyboard, it doesn’t send MIDI notes offs and I get stuck notes…

If the route switches midi channels or to the midi in of a different rack, it works fine…

Is this a bug or is it me? @brad


Hi @Toaster,

Sounds like a bug. I’ll check it out. In the meantime you can probably work around it by using two routes - one for each source and enable/disable one or the other.


Thanks @brad,

I’ve been doing as you suggested already, but appreciate your help.



Build 3264 will include a fix for this.

Note however… switching a source route releases held notes immediately, as opposed to switching the target which waits until the source note is released. If you need held notes you’ll need to use two routes and enable/disable.

New build will be up soon-ish.

Amazing! So I’d have to use the method I’m using if I wanted to have held notes across the patch change?

Yes (unfortunately theirs a technical design issue here that makes it difficult to implement).

Trust me to find an issue that’s a PITA to sort…

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Hi @Toaster - would be nice if this was better handled. It was a long time ago that I wrote the code that handled this (the forcing notes off when switching source route) so I can’t remember the exact details of why this was difficult to solve, but I’ve logged it to be revisited.

Thanks @brad as always!

It intrigues me too why it’s easy to change any other function of a MIDI route and have it behave but not the source port. Be interested to know when you’ve worked it out…
