Invalid binding from Note (any)

Any reason why I can’t do this?

Essentially I’m trying to trigger playback of my media player when any note is played. It should work, right?


Your value is showing invalid. Will it not show anything but invalid?

Hi Corky,

Yes, that’s what I mean - I get (Invalid Binding) when I try to map Note (Any) to Media Player Play. If I click on (Invalid Binding) it says my source and target are incompatible. But I would have thought Note (Any) would be just a trigger-style event, so capable of triggering things like Media Player Play.

that is what I am getting too

If I select a specific note it will work. Don’t know why any isn’t working

Yes, that’s an interesting and unexpected inconsistency. I wonder if there’s a reason?

Dunno. Still working on it. I would have expected it also.

The reason is “Note-any” is a continuous control.
Try to bind it to a Volume or a Pan etc.
ps. Note number is a value in that case

Kind regards, Alexandr

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Thanx Alexander. Makes sense now.

And for triggering play by any note we might use midiNotesToCC plugin

For example:

And then create a binding:

Controller (No Edge Button)

Kind regards


Aha, thanks Alexander!! PizMIDI plugins come to the rescue once again! :relaxed:


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However, I wonder if @brad might think it’s a good idea to allow Note (Any) to also act as a simple trigger, in the case where the target is expecting a trigger-style source…could be useful.

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Can’t that new filter that Brad lovingly crafted take care of it ?
That way the current ‘note (any)’ function retains its CC type control and the new ‘any note to this note’ filter gets to make another appearance.
Would suggest changing the name of note (any) to note (CC) to avoid confusion though … and include a tool tip.


Good point Ade, that does the trick too! :slight_smile:

Seems reasonable - I’ll check it out.


Hi @brad !
“Note any” continious controller functionality is lost? (build 3240 and 3236)
Or am I missing something…?

this binding seems to be not working:

kind regards

Hi @Alexander

Yep, there seems to be an issue there - I’ll look into it.



PS same issue for the “note off” any

kind regards

Hi @Alexander

Quick update: this is fixed, will be included in the next experimental build (hopefully later this week).
