Intermittant white noise

Hello all. I just installed Cantabile Solo 64bit. I have loaded a vsti and it responds to my input. But there is a white noise that comes on about every 20 seconds and then lasts about 3 seconds no matter what patch I select. It is not present when Cantabile is not running, and not present when I turn off the audio engine. I have examined the settings in ASIO4ALL but it doesn’t help. Any ideas?

Could it be that you have a VST in test-mode?
Or does it happen with every plugin?

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Yeah, my first thought would be that when it loads it’s loading without its license and it’s in demo mode. What plug is it? Maybe a .dll is loading from some location other than where the licensed dll is.

Are Cantabile’s level meter lighting up with the noise? If so, as suggested, almost certainly a demo mode plugin.


Of course you’re right. After installing the program I had only one x64 plugin to try and it was a demo with white noise added. Thanks for speedy reply.

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Great. Don’t forget both x86 and x64 editions are installed so you can run 32-bit version if that’s what all your plugins are.

See here: Understanding x64 vs x86 and 64 vs 32-bit Audio - Cantabile - Software for Performing Musicians
