I have it and love it. It’s very low CPU, easy to use, and has some unique features. To be honest, I use it mostly for messing around and jamming, and rarely in my actual songs. For analogue stuff, I still tend to reach for Diva and others more often. In regards to IQ, their current keyboardist, @Neil_Durant is on this board. Perhaps he can chime in on how he reproduces sounds from the 80s songs?
Gforce synths are great. Whilst Imposcar is on discount, do also take a look at their Obie emulations. They are awesome and with more modern, scalable GUIs. I like the MiniMonsta, but on my current system and with aging eyes, I cannot see the darn GUI anymore - and I have moaned at Gforce about this… And of course my Mellotron and Solina emulations are courtesy of MTRON PRO and VSM.
As you’ve resurrected this thread, I saw my gripe from a year ago. I am now happy to say that MiniMonsta is fixed and now has a scalable GUI. Now all they have to do is update Imposcar (but that was not as bad).
Since we’re talking about impOSCar2 again… it is actually the free giveaway from Computer Music magazine this month. For $5 you can have a digital copy of the mag and get the full $99 version of impOSCar2 to keep. (I know some libraries carry the magazine in their digital collections, and people use that to get the freebies sometimes… I will neither confirm or deny that I have been guilty of that in the past… but hey, it’s five bucks. What’s five bucks? I bought the mag.)
The January issue has another free synth - Tone2 Icarus 1.6 . The article says that they got Tone2 to let them give away the full retail license for an older version rather than give away a hobbled copy of the current version. Pretty cool!