How to create a general effects bus

Is there a wayto use insert effects by the Background Rack?
I want to add a reverb for the whole song list but some plugins more or less?

I manage to create the bus by a rack but I cannot control the send mix level, the 3 knobs are not visible on the racks?
Is there a way?

Hi @Es_Gee

The background rack isn’t really the best way to do this. You’re better creating a dedicated rack for your master effects and loading it into each song.

No sure what you mean by the three knobs are not visible, but normally you’d control send levels via the gain sliders on the routes feeding the rack.

Or am I misunderstanding the question?


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Thx Brad, The 3 knobs are mix, pan and fade, you don’t see them with a rack Object.
But seems that racks in general don’t have this MIX option?

Could you be confusing sends with receives?

Racks receive, but what they receive is controlled by the item sending audio out to them. Those knobs are on the sending side. Below you see my ARP 2600 plugin with the output knobs, but as the Processing Rack is on the receiving end (generally of either MIDI or Audio) it does not need them, though the items within the rack often do have those knobs.

I hope that clarifies that a bit.


Yes I know :slight_smile:
This is also the way I setup my fx.
So how do you control the amount of FX to the plugin?

I’ll need you to use the Windows snipping tool and show me what you mean, specifically.

In case I simply wasn’t clear:
The amount of FX (the input) to the plugin is controlled by the item sending out to the plugin. In the above pictured case, it would be the controls on the ARP 2600 that control how much is sent.


Probably you mean the Mix knob? That only changes the volume for me.

If you want to control the amount of FX, there are two ways to do this:

  • if you want to use your FX rack as an insert, then you need to control WITHIN the FX rack how much direct signal gets sent. Either you do this directly at the plugin within the rack or you use routes within the rack. Essentially, you create TWO routes from Rack Stereo In: one that goes directly to Rack Stereo Out and another to your FX plugin chain. Now you control the mix between the wet and the dry signal by changing the gain of the Dry route and of the FX output. Look here:

This “Route” approach is especially helpful if you have a longer plugin chain within your rack, so you don’t have to fiddle with the mix knob on all plugins.

But the problem with this is that you can only control this mix inside the FX rack, so no real way to adjust this from song level (unless you want to further complicate things with bindings).

This is why I would recommend to use racks as insert effects only if you want to fully process the signal running through the rack, with no adjustment of wet/dry mix at song level.

  • If you want to use a mix of dry and FX signal, use a classic “Send Effect” setup. Route the audio output from your instrument to stereo out → that’s the dry signal. Then, create a second route from the same audio output and connect it to your FX rack input. Now control the level of your dry signal with the gain of the first route, control the FX send with the second route. You can also control the overall FX level with the FX rack gain slider.

Look here:

This has the added advantage that you can use the same FX in varying amounts for multiple instrument racks - give your piano massive reverb, your strings just a little, etc. Just create a second route from each instrument rack to your FX rack, and control send levels via the route gain. Control overall FX level across all instruments with rack gain.

Hope this helps!




Very interestng Torsten,
Let me try that out !

Torsten, In the later example, where you have 2 outputs of a plugin, I’m wondering, wouldn’t it create some phase effect, since there are 2 instances of the plugin going out?
So maybe it should be best to put the insert rack at the max mix?

I can jump in on this.
Even if that were an issue, it would be as a result of the direct signal being mixed in by the plugin itself.
In a ‘send’ situation, you need to set the plugin mix (that is, from within the plugin itself ) to 100% effect.
If you don’t do this you will be, at the very least, boosting the dry signal. You obviously don’t want to be doing that, unintentionally.

As a side note:
I think you’ll find that if you test all your plugin effects at 100% dry, you’ll be extremely unlikely to create any phase irregularities. It would be a very poorly written plugin in which ‘dry’ signal was anything other than more of the same. Not saying it couldn’t happen.

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thx ade ! I’ll try it out

Works perfect !!! :slight_smile:
I added other FX also on it, delay, comp etc