How to assign 2 midi keyboards to the same instrument?

Hi all i’m a newbe of Cantabile (trying the lite but tinking to upgrade for the top!).
I’m a Cubase 10 Pro user and in that daw you can assing ALL the midi controller you have to a single VST.
I’ve setted Cantabile with the main midi keyboard plus a second midi keyboard and now i want assign the main keyboard to the upper manual and the secod to the lower manual of the Arturia B3 Hammond organ (maibe on 2 separate midi channels).
But i can’t see nothing to do that.
Any help apreciated… TNX.

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Hi Antonio and Welcome,

Do you have both keyboards configured in the Tools>Options>MIDI Ports? I assume they are connected as 2 different physical MIDI inputs.


If you already have this done then you would simply create 2 input routes from your 2 different keyboards in your song that are routed to the same vst.


Hope this helps and let us know … :slight_smile:


There are several ways to do this. The simplest way is to assign both incoming ports to the default Main Keyboard under Tools -> MIDI ports. That leaves you with figuring out which MIDI stream is from which keyboard. Another way is to create a new MIDI port (e.g. Top Keyboard) and assign your MIDI port with the top keyboard to that. Then in each song create a Route from Main Keyboard and Top Keyboard to where you want them to go.

The best pro-tip way is to use Rack(s) as abstractions of each keyboard.

You’ll probably try each on your C3 learning experience. Everybody does :grin:

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Take a look at @Derek’s document on Cantabile’s Support web page.

@dave_dore is much better getting screenshots and such together. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You do great explanations Richard so it’s all good, I just hope I’m not littering the site with my pics! Hope all is well with you! :grin:


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Well, one picture is worth… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses:

Hey… Great responsive ppl here!
I Like This!!!
TNX all beautiful people!!!

I am so proud I don’t litter with pics. :angel:

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It’s been a bit since we had a surprise but you never know when the image you can’t erase from your mind might get posted. But you never do that so we’re safe … :wink:

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Annnnnnd another thread bites the dust…:grin::grin::grin: