Hotkeys and program/preset(?) lists

Hi there, I am a new user of Cantabile Solo and very happy with it. I’m using it to switch between user presets in Superior Drummer 3 for e-drums and have all of my drum kit presets saved as “entire snapshot” programs in one Cantabile song. This works well, but is there a way to change between these programs with a hotkey? I see hotkeys for changing between songs and presets, but not programs.

Also, the terms “preset” and “program” are blurry for me. At the top of the dropdown list of programs it says “Choose Preset”, but in the context menu to the right of that they are referred to as programs, and there is a Choose Program menu option to open that dropdown list. The context menu also has Previous and Next Program, but these aren’t in the hotkeys command list like Previous and Next Preset, which do not work on the program list. Unless I am doing something totally wrong here! :slight_smile:

Also, once the program/preset dropdown list is open I notice the keyboard arrow keys mostly don’t work to navigate that list, though occasionally they have after clicking around elsewhere in the program.

Thanks for listening! Maybe I need to use bindings? And this is all in Catabile 4196 on Windows 11.

Hi Thrak and Welcome to the Forum! :slight_smile:

For starts the reason that the arrow and some other hot keys might not work is because the Cantabile program needs to be in focus for it to work. If not working click on the app with the mouse and the focus will be on it.

Regarding programs and presets, AFAIK they are the same and are related to the lists of snapshot settings you made in the GUI window for the drummer VSTi you are using. The hot keys to change forward on that list is Alt + Right and for back you use Alt + Left.

I hope I understood but let me know if I didn’t.



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I’m using Cantabile Performer. I use Song States with a binding to a pedal input on my eDRUMin 10 to cycle through Superior Drummer kits all loaded in a single song. There are two momentary switches plugged into a splitter going into the second pedal input on the eDRUMin. One cycles up - the other cycles down

Thank you Dave. I should have mentioned that I have Superior Drummer docked in Cantabile so that there is just one window. Alt + Left and Alt + Right do not work, the default hotkeys look to be U and Shift + U, and this works when the window is not docked, but not when docked, and only if the plugin is highlighted in the routing table or routing diagram. I notice the same is true when using the quick control commands, so typing in “11U” loads preset 11 when undocked, but not when docked. I think I will undock now. :slight_smile:

And thanks Doug, I have thought of using a pedal for this, and should try it, but I have my laptop right next to me so I figured I would use arrow keys near my hand.

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