Help with some VST plugins not showing up/available in Cantabile?

Hi everyone - new here. My apologies if this was discussed elsewhere…

Have any of you had any problems with certain plugins (instruments) not showing up in Cantabile? I’m having a problem trying to get Steinberg’s Halion Sonic SE to be recognized in Cantabile. I’ve had no problems using Omnisphere, Komplete, East West products, etc. But for some reason Halion Sonic SE is not listed as an available plugin when I added its folder to the Plugin options in Cantabile. I even tried moving the .dll file to another folder (with existing Cantabile-recognized plugins), tried rescanning multiple times, restarting, etc. Everything is solid with my designation, path, etc as far as I can tell. But no Halion.

This happened once before with a program I was considering buying (OP-X - an Oberhiem vst), and I could never get the demo to show up in Cantabile. So I didn’t buy it - lol.

Are some plugins just not compatible with Cantabile? Or am I possibly missing something that I could do to solve the problem?

Thanks in advance for any assistance :slight_smile:

(I’m using Windows 10, if that makes a difference – also, it’s worth noting that I had no problem with the OP-X or Halion in Cubase. So it seems like this is specific to Cantabile)

Have you checked if you’re running 64bit Cantabile and a 32bit Halion?
Both will need to be either 32bit or 64bit. Or you can run 32bit plugins in 64bit Cantabile with jBridge.
Sometimes if you press the ‘More’ button on the plugin settings page and choose ‘browse for plugin’ then go and find it, it’ll give you a clearer error for why it doesn’t work.

Hi Neil - thanks for weighing in. Yes I am already running both in 64-bit.

However, I tried your suggestion and found it, but when I tried to load it, I got a failure to load error – “plugin failed to initialize (error code 13209)”. Don’t know what that means, and so far haven’t been able to find much info about it.



Hi @stormchronicles

My guess here would be you’re trying to use a plugin shipped with a Steinberg host program that’s constrained to that host. Does it work in any other non-Steinberg hosts?


Yeah that’s where I was thinking this was headed. Thanks Brad

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