Help - install NET

need help installing. Steps so far.


  1. install: SetupCantabile-4063
  2. "…must install NET
  3. YES
  4. nothing happens
    If I try to run the app, it gives the same need to download NET message, yet it does not download or open the app.

Hi sadicus, and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Sorry you are having trouble. I am going to put a shout out to @brad, the developer on this question. He will get back to you as soon as he can. I am not sure why the .NET Framework didn’t load but Brad will have the best answer.




The .NET can be downloaded direct from Microsoft and installed before trying to install Cantabile, too. I believe the file you need is “dotnet-sdk-5.0.407-win-x64.exe.” That’s one that I’ve used. Also need x86.


For some reason, occassionally the .NET runtime fails to install using Cantabile’s installer - I’ve not been able to figure out why. The fix is to manually install it - which is explained here including links to the appropriate installers from Microsoft.
(Note you must install both x86 and x64 versions of the .NET runtime).