Hi, i´m a new cantabile user. I need a little help. Im using cantabile for playing my Nexus Plugin live. I installed and used the software 2 weeks ago and everything works fine. Today i startet my cantabile and didnt get any sound out of my plugins. My Audionterface is assigned and works (i tested starting the metronome in cantabile) so i think stereo Out is ok. I took the on screen keyboard in omnimode to trigger the nexus pluging, but nothing happened. It is avctivated in the Options/Midiport setting. The Monitor indicates a green light when i push some keys). Audio Engine is started. plugin Gain is to zero db. But the Plugin indicator says nothing. i also tried to test on cantabile 2 with a set i made a month ago…no output from my plugin I tried to load an other pluging - same problem.
I don´t know what the problem could be??? Please Help.
regards Thomas
Can you post a screen shot of your expanded routing panel. I had something like this happen before and it was a route that had somehow become disabled (red cross instead of white check). So I’d start by checking all routes are enabled.
i havent´reqognized the input section…it was still on “Main keyboard”, that is not plugged in. I see that i had to switch it here for the rack to onboard Keyboard. It was a good hint for me… Thank you
Just as a tip for when your testing things like this, you can assign multiple devices to a MIDI input port. If you map Onscreen Keyboard (device) to Main Keyboard (port) you can use the on-screen keyboard for testing as if it’s coming from the external keyboard.
Hi, I have the same problem. I write to add comments that can be useful.
I selected the correct MIDI contollers, and I used the onscreen keyboard too. But no problem solved.
When I put new synths from scratch, all VSTis work ok until I closed Cantabile. The problem occurs when I started it for second time, to continue the same work.
I must say I tried with VSTis designed by myself, using Flowstone and Synthmaker. I´m surprissed when I discovered that no problem with my VSTi designed with Synthmaker (this is the old software that later became Flowstone). Ad no problem with another VSTis from another factories. But my VSTis made with Flowstone (v3.0.8.1 and v 3.0.9 beta 1) brings the problem.
In addition, the problem disappears when I click on “Play” (on the triangle at top left of the Cantabile window). In other words, when that triangle is green, all VSTis work OK.
As final comment, I tried those actions in two computers. When some people may say “no sound from the synths when playing notes from a keyboard” , in fact, I saw a short peak in the sound level indicators from each VSTi track when I played every note. In one of my computers (the slower one) I heard a short sound , as result a response by a short midi note.
I repeat, when I click in"play", all synths work fine.
This sounds like either the plugins are relying on a running transport, or before pressing play Cantabile isn’t providing reasonable timing information - I’ll check that out.
In the meantime, could you please let me know a particular plugin that demonstrates this problem so I can try to reproduce it here. Also are you running x86 or x64 edition?
I’ve got a hunch about this and think it was related to a bug in Lite and Solo where the master transport wasn’t reconfigured correctly after loading a song (or restarting Cantabile). I’ve fixed this in build 3132 available now.
Hi Brad,
I´m using Cantabile 3130; 32 bit version. My VSTis are 32 bit too.
Here are the VSTis to download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/78125629/Sonico.rar
The VSTi “Sonico3 from SM2.0.5” works fine; the proble occurs with the another ones.
Best regards,
Hi Brad,
I tried with v3132 but the problem still in the same way as in the earlier version. That is, all work fine in the first session, but the problem appears in the second time that I launched Cantabile.